Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Circle Around the Rockies: Seeking Fresh Powder Edition

2015-03-18 22 min read Snow Updates marco
Mountain Collective? Check! Car? Check! Hotels? Check! Snowboarding gear? Check! This is the second instalment of the yearly Spring Break Snowboarding series. Last year’s was about the West Coast, this year it was all in the Rockies. I went with my amazing friend Michael again, and we had an absolute blast! The Mountain Collective, for those of you that joined this time around, is a loose group of ski resorts that all banded together to combat the evil empire, a. Continue reading

Firewire Unibrow Timbertek - The Review

2015-02-20 10 min read Surfing marco
It seems impossible that I’ve had the Unibrow for just two months! It’s grown on me so fast, it feels like we’ve been best buddies for a very long time. So here my impressions of my new BFF in the ocean. First Impressions I wrote about the Unibrow briefly when I mentioned Firewire Demo Days. They hold them frequently enough that I got a chance to form an opinion. Not a good one at first: the board is very narrow and it takes a while to get used to it. Continue reading

Legendary Creatures (all letters)

2015-02-09 1 min read Alphabet Lists marco
Legendary creatures for no reason< Letter Main Candidate Secondary Comments A Alp Antaeus B Banshee Basilisk C Centaur Chukwa, Chimera D Dragon E Elf Encantado F Firebird Faun, Fairy G Garuda Gorgon, Goblin, Gnome, Griffin H Hydra Hippocamp, Hesperides I Incubus Imp, Irin, Inugami J Jinn K Kraken Kinnara, Kobold L Lilith Lindworm M Mermaid Mogwai, Manticore, Mandrake, Minotaur N Numen Nawao O Ogre Ouroboros P Pegasus Phoenix Q Qilin Quetzalcoatl R Rompo Revenant S Sphinx Siren, Sandman T Titan Thunderbird U Unicorn V Vampire Valkyrie W Werewolf Wyvern X Xana Y Yale Z Zombie

Turning a Fixed Width Site to Variable Width Using Web Technology

2015-01-25 9 min read Howto marco
I love my Y50. The 4k screen resolution gives me both a chance to see a lot more on a single page and much better and crisper text if I want to see it normal size. The only downside? Software that assumes pixel sizes. It doesn’t really matter what I am looking at: anything that comes with predefined pixels turns into a microscopic smudge. It’s completely impossible to realize what the buttons do in the Gimp, for instance. Continue reading

The Nazi Wonder Weapon Revealed: Die Glocke

2015-01-16 11 min read General marco
Research for the new novel is almost completed. There are going to be twists and turns that will make a helicopter spin, and I decided to keep with the strength of In the Mission: a novel about a deep mystery wrapped in a conundrum, where science parallels art which parallels the otherworldly. Somewhere in the depth of the research (and it goes very deep), I found myself mired in a strange story. Continue reading
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