Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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L'America: Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, and Police Racism

2014-12-10 7 min read marco
A number of you have asked how it is possible that a police officer shoot an unarmed person and is not just not punished for it, but not even investigated. Such was the case of Darren Wilson, a police office in Ferguson, Missouri, who shot and killed an unarmed 18-year-old. I’ll go to say in general that I agree that police has a greater latitude on the use of force than an average person. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 22 - Conclusions and My Pick

2014-11-18 10 min read Comparisons marco
This was a long journey, for sure. We went through 77 Javascript frameworks (including combinations) to find the ones most suitable for the development of a mobile single page application, to be used as the foundation of a cordova app. We went on a tangent to see how there was a seminal year, 2012, where a great many frameworks suddenly sprung up. Before that, the selection was small. After that, things got quiet again. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 21 - Vue

2014-11-18 4 min read Comparisons marco
Vue occupied a special place in my heart when I saw it required the least code to write. That’s a feat of its own, especially considering how lazy I am (despite being a terrific typist) and how error-prone (strike the part on being a terrific typist). The web site has no clear tag line. This is what I liked best about their self-description: It is not a full-blown framework – it is designed to be a view layer that is simple and flexible. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 20 - Thorax

2014-11-18 4 min read Comparisons marco
The tag line of the (yes, .org) site reads, “An opinionated, battle-tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications.“ I mentioned that our mobile needs don’t particularly require large scale web applications, but at the same time it’s hard to deny a candidate that has done well enough in the Todo challenge. The fundamentals of Thorax, as the tag line states, are Backbone and Handlebars. Additionally, Thorax on its down did pretty terribly in the performance challenge, so we have to add one more dependency, Lumbar. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 19 - Stapes

2014-11-18 1 min read Comparisons marco
The alphabet has a way to balance the universe. While React was on the pointlessly complicated (not complex) side of the equation, Stapes is really minimalistic. Indeed, you wouldn’t know the index file belongs to a reactive app, or an app at all. Our example has four Javascript files: a model, a controller, a view, and a store. That’s it. They each do what you’d expect them to do. There is an additional app. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 18 React

2014-11-18 3 min read Comparisons marco
There really isn’t a whole lot making React stand out in a positive way in this comparison. Both performance and code length are towards the maximum acceptable, and the framework comes with its own language you have to learn, JSX. I’ll spare you the internals of JSX. Let’s just say it’s Javascript made to use XML syntax. I guess you can get the hang of it, and maybe Mithril’s Hoarie should have a glance, but all in all you really have to be hardcore if you accept learning a new language (however little it is different from Javascript) just to code in a new framework. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 17 - Ractive

2014-11-18 3 min read Comparisons marco
Ractive was developed by The Guardian, the UK newspaper. That makes it probably the only framework in this group not created by a technologist (if we don’t want to count out WalMart Labs). If Mithril is the framework I wanted to love the most, Ractive is the one I wanted to love the least. The performance was not exciting, while the code length was at the far end of what we’d consider acceptable. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 16 - Mithril

2014-11-18 5 min read Comparisons marco
Ah, I so want to love Mithril! The guy that created it, Leo Horie, is one geek I can understand. The way he presents Mithril on the home page of the project speaks to my heart. Mithril is around 5kb gzipped thanks to its small, focused, API. It provides a templating engine with a virtual DOM diff implementation for performant rendering, utilities for high-level modelling via functional composition, as well as support for routing and componentization. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 15 - KnockoutJS

2014-11-18 3 min read Comparisons marco
The main site for Knockout,, is a fantastic resource. Maybe it errs a teensy bit on the garish side, but it’s more informative (and exciting with that information) than any of the other sites on here. I highlighted the outstandingly easy and comprehensive tutorials before. The structure is the same as that of other tutorials on jsFiddle, but it looks better and is more… structured. Let’s look at the main claims on the home page. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 14 - jQUery

2014-11-18 3 min read Comparisons marco
What can be said about jQuery that sounds even remotely interesting? The whole world is using this framework, by far the oldest in our list. jQuery started small. The most famous “thing” about it is the dollar sign, $. It’s what popularized the framework, as it made selection of elements in an HTML page extremely easy. It’s not that it was hard before, but the W3C spec for HTML and DOM is a terrifying mess of incoherence. Continue reading
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