Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 3 - Minimum Functionality

2014-11-16 4 min read Comparisons marco
If you are joining us now, this is a multi-part shootout of mobile Javascript frameworks. In the last instalment, we got a series of candidates, 77 long. In this instalment, we will look at functionality. The Todo app pushed by the TodoMVC team is very simple, but pretty complete. In it you: Create new todo items by entering them into a box Display all available todo items Alternatively, display only the active ones, or the completed ones Mark a todo item as completed by checking a box to its left Delete a todo item Delete all completed todo items Edit a todo item Bindings and behaviors were refined further: Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 2 - The Field

2014-11-16 4 min read Comparisons marco
Right on the heels of the first instalment, here the second, where we will consider the options we have in mobile frameworks. First of all,** the number of frameworks out there is simply staggering**. There are literally hundreds of them, from industry behemoths like jQueryMobile to one-man projects already abandoned by the creator. Variety is the spice of life, but too many options make for big headache. Unfortunately, the web has zeroed in on the predicament of mobile developers and offers even more click-bait articles about the “Best Mobile Frameworks 2014” than you can possibly read. Continue reading

Picking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 1 - Preliminaries

2014-11-16 5 min read Comparisons marco
Mobile development is costly because it targets two completely different operating systems, each with their own idea of how to solve problems, down to the language used. For a small development shop, the only economically viable solution is to create a mobile-optimized web site that breathes Javascript on the front end. But for that, you need a good Javascript framework that understands mobile. Continue reading

Setting Up Kubuntu on a Lenovo Y50 - Data Immortality Edition

2014-11-06 12 min read Howto marco
I am the lucky owner of a brand new Lenovo Y50. It’s a screaming fast machine, with a gorgeous screen (despite what naysayers complain about – mostly the yellows and the refresh rate). It’s meant for gamers, but a developer like me can like it, too. It’s just beautiful, and relatively lightweight, and did I mention it’s screaming fast? But the big question was: How Do I Set It Up Most Efficiently? Continue reading


2014-11-05 1 min read Quotes marco
Nothing is as shockingly disruptive as the perfectly obvious, when carefully examined.

The Highlight of My Academic Career

2014-11-03 20 min read Past marco
It was the day of the Lord 12 February 1989, such as they count in the Old World. I was in the Old World that day, which I know precisely, because I found a trace of it in my keepsake box. Two days before Valentine’s Day of that year which brought about the Fall of the Iron Curtain, I was sitting in a giant lecture hall at the Rheinish Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (short, RWTH) for the midterms in Theoretical Quantum Mechanics. Continue reading

SQLite Support in Joomla

2014-10-29 5 min read Joomla marco
It’s been a while now that I’ve been eyeing the SQLite implementation of Joomla. There have been lots of teasers, so far, but never could I ever click on the “Select Database Type” field and enter, sqlite. Finally, I got sick of waiting on a release and decided to go solo. I would find out who was working on SQLite for Joomla, track them down, offer them encouragement and help, if needed cajole or threaten, and finally get a SQLite implementation that “just works. Continue reading

The Most Important Invention of the 20th Century

2014-10-19 4 min read Uncategorised marco
Ladies and Gentlemen! Please join me in honoring the winner of the World’s Most Important Invention of the 20th Century! Our candidates, first. In no particular order, I give you: Automobiles Airplanes Antibiotics Computers The Internet And the winner is… A write-in candidate! It is the Fast Forward button on the remote! OK, maybe I am exaggerating a little. But the FWD button on the remote has become my go-to tool for a while. Continue reading

DYMO LabelWriter 4XL on Ubuntu

2014-10-19 6 min read Hardware marco
Call me a freak: I don’t like writing on envelopes. I dislike the way it feels when you push on an envelope already stuffed and sealed, I don’t like making a mistake and having to unseal and restuff. And let’s not even talk about the days when you have to send out a bunch of mailers – thankfully that’s become less common these days. So I got myself a Brother label printer. Continue reading
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