Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Adding Tides to Wave Chart

2014-10-09 7 min read Software marco
Will I ever be able to rest on my laurels? I was barely finished with my wave chart that I decided it would be even more awesome if it showed me the tides. Of course, the tides for the past are not all too exciting, but if you want to know when to go, today’s tides are mighty fine. So, to adjust the chart, I needed to find a library that handles tide. Continue reading

Flying Spirit

2014-10-09 6 min read Reviews marco
So, I took the plunge and booked a flight with Spirit Airlines. For those not in the know, Spirit is a low-cost airline with tons of extra charges, like the ones that had been popping up in Europe, and not unlike its competitor Frontier. The basic idea is that you pay a “base price” that is much lower than other airlines’ fare. Then you have to pay for extras that are free-ish on other airlines. Continue reading

L'America: The Supreme Court on Gay Marriage

2014-10-09 5 min read marco
A few have asked me to explain the meaning of the refusal of the Supreme Court to review gay marriage again. Let’s start with the technicalities: The Supreme Court of the United States, unlike many Constitutional Courts around the world, is the overall ultimate instance and doesn’t just decide matters of constitutionality, it has broad sweep of the legal landscape and its rulings are binding on everyone in this country. It is also free to choose the matters it wants to tackle. Continue reading

Python, Matplotlib, and Surf Reports

2014-09-25 15 min read Software marco
It took me a long while to fall in love with Python (the language). It was mostly because the features I ended up liking were hidden behind the giant flaw in the foreground: mandatory matching white space. That means that, unlike in most other programming languages, Python decides that two lines belong together if they are preceded by exactly the same white space. If the white space doesn’t match, Python complains. Continue reading

Glassy at the Secret Spot

2014-09-10 4 min read Surfing marco
What do you know, we found a new secret spot. It’s not really secret, it’s just that it’s not widely considered a good surf spot, but it really is. I am not going to tell you where it is, and I am not going to post any pictures, but believe me, it’s sweet. It was Saturday morning, a week ago. The remainder of the hurricane swell was still grazing our coast, and my buddies and I decided to go to the secret spot. Continue reading

Good-Bye Mondo

2014-08-20 21 min read Life marco
All of you who knew him will be saddened to hear that Mondo, my cat and friend of 13 years, passed. He was the loudest of cats, especially in the middle of the night, but it was near impossible not to love him. He made up for his annoying night time ways with a cuddly and loving personality that charmed even the lightest sleeper. Mondo was perfectly fine (as humans can discern) until mid-July 2014. Continue reading

L'America: Why Do U.S. Americans Call Themselves, “Americans?”

2014-07-01 3 min read marco
One of the things people from outside the United States are not happy about is the fact that people inside the United States call themselves Americans, and the country itself America. That’s not fair, they’ll say, after all America is much larger than just the United States! It turns out that the logic behind the naming is simple: while in much of the world, the number of continents has been fixed at five (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania), in America, there are seven continents (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania). Continue reading

L'America: What About the Supreme Court?

2014-07-01 13 min read marco
Today, liberals are up in arms all across America: in two opinions, the Supreme Court of the United States has established that (most) corporations can disregard the law for religious reasons; it also found against mandating agency fees to unions by non-unionized members. Really, liberals have been up in arms against the current Supreme Court for a while. President Obama denounced several Supreme Court opinions, in particular Citizens United (on campaign finance). Continue reading

Big Ones

2014-07-01 5 min read Surfing marco
It’s been the usual summer fare lately in San Diego. Storms in the South don’t quite make it up here, and there is nothing in the Northern hemisphere that creates enough of a stir to pass through the Channel Islands. We are left to fend for ourselves, making the best out of 2-foot waves. Out of nowhere, a combo swell showed up. It wasn’t said to be much more than we’d had – instead of being 2-3 feet, it was rumored to be 2-4. Continue reading

HOWTO: Redundant Data Backup in the Cloud for Linux

2014-06-25 21 min read Howto marco
After the previous article explaining the principles behind this form of “safe” cloud backup, here a step-by-step tutorial on how to make it work. The software used and the commands issued are all for Ubuntu, but you should be able to translate them into any modern Linux variant. On the other hand, much of the infrastructure required works only on Linux. 1. Prerequisites Aside from the obvious (a modern version of Linux), you will need a series of tools that don’t come installed standard. Continue reading
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