Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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PRIMER: Redundant Data Backup in the Cloud for Linux

2014-06-25 12 min read Howto marco
Here is my problem: when I travel, I want to have access to my most important documents (like my passport, or my drivers license, or the airline tickets, or a bunch of other things). I want to have access to those documents particularly if I lose my computer and the originals. Imagine I am in Fiji on a surf trip (I wish!) and my everything gets stolen while i conquer Cloudbreak. Continue reading

L'America: What's So Great About America?

2014-06-22 18 min read marco
When I moved to America, back in the ancient days, my friends tried to dissuade me. “Don’t move!” they’d say, “You won’t like it!” I asked why, and the replies were scattered. There was a cluster of “Americans are so shallow!” in the mix, but mostly it was about trivialities like, “Their bread is terrible,” or “You can’t ride your bike anywhere.” My friends clearly had no idea of what life in America is like. Continue reading

Apple Buys Beats: Who Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?

2014-06-21 6 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
It was easy to dismiss Apple when Steve Jobs took back the reins in 1997. It seemed for a while that the company’s only reason for existence was as a fig leaf, allowing Microsoft to claim Windows was not a monopoly. Redmond even bought a substantial amount of Apple stock, maybe as a gesture of support. But Steve Jobs turned the company around completely. First, he decided the fundamental question: software or hardware? Continue reading

L'America: Poker Face Cool

2014-05-28 7 min read marco
The YouTube player can not be loaded with disabled JavaScript. The following video is embedded here: Before moving to America, I always wondered why poker is such a popular game over here. I mean, we used to play it back in Europe, and of all the card games, it seemed the singularly stupidest. You look at your cards, you try your luck, then you see who’s got the best deal. Continue reading

Running Out of Time: Mountain Collective Passes Nearly Sold Out

2014-05-23 1 min read Snow Updates marco
Quick word of warning: while last year’s Mountain Collective passes were “nearly sold out” for months, who knows what’s going to happen this year. In any case, the site lists them as almost sold out, and they are still the best deal in mountains you’ll find. (A season pass with Epic is my second choice and would be my first choice if I lived closer to Tahoe or Colorado!)

Samsung UD590 4k Monitor and Kubuntu 14.04

2014-05-21 6 min read Hardware marco
I confess I had an itch. Even in my dual monitor setup, I never seemed to have enough visual real estate. If I had the Android development UI full screen on one side and the emulator on the other, it took only a single konsole shell to fill up everything I had. Then I was left without space for instant messaging, writing, emailing, etc. It’s common year 2014. There are 10 inch tablets with 2560×1600 resolution (Google’s Nexus 10 and Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX 8. Continue reading

I HEART Janet Reid, but She's Dangerous

2014-04-02 6 min read Essays marco
I’ve been following the blog of one Janet Reid, literary agent. Well, she really has two blogs that I know of: the one I mentioned, and a second and much juicier one. It’s called Query Shark, and it’s a collection of queries and her comments. Queries, in case you didn’t know, are the letters (emails) that authors send to agents. In them, the former request representation by the latter, by presenting a project. Continue reading

Up and Down the West Coast: Seeking Fresh Powder Edition

2014-03-23 35 min read Snow Updates marco
I mentioned in a previous post how I went to Mammoth on a Mountain Collective Pass. My friend Michael and I now decided to go crazy and drive all the way to Whistler, BC, Canada and hit the three resorts on the way that offer the pass. Executive summary: Driving from San Diego to Whistler and back in a week is crazy. But it’s still better than flying. Thanks, airlines! Continue reading
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