Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Stitches Out

2013-07-27 2 min read Surfing marco
After my ER visit last Sunday, I got a slip with a date and time and location. That was to get the staples out. Now, the staples were not really painful, but I thought removing them might be. After all, they had hurt a little when they were put in, and now they had probably bonded with the tissue near them. Tearing them out was bound to cause pain, right? Continue reading

Non-Linear Video Editors in Linux

2013-07-23 11 min read Comparisons marco
Imagine you collected a bunch of home videos (in my case, with a surfcam) and you want to make them into a coherent stream. Imagine you want the finished product to look cool, or at least watchable. Imagine you want to do this on Linux. What are your options, and how do they work out? I took the time to test the five major Linux contenders in the space, and published the results below. Continue reading


2013-07-22 5 min read Surfing marco
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, after many years of no major issues, I finally had a surfing accident. I am posting the picture along with this entry, but hid it after the jump to hide it from the more sensitive readers. It’s not pretty. What happened? It was a nice Sunday morning at Black’s North Peak. It wasn’t too crowded, but a whole lot of douchebags around. You know, the kind that snakes your wave and when you call them on it, they say, “Sorry man! Continue reading

Creating DVDs in Linux 2. The Shootout

2013-07-19 10 min read Comparisons marco
[Note: this is the second of two articles on DVD Authoring in Linux. The first one introduced the concepts that are going to be used in this shootout, so if there is anything here you do not understand, please read the other article here first.] Now that we understand the setup and process, let’s look at the software available for DVD creation and compare our options. If you just want the process I am following after all the shooting out, look at the far end of this post. Continue reading

Heroic and Flawed: The Jesus Seminar

2013-07-18 12 min read General marco
Unlike with many other religions, the words of Christianity’s founder were not written down during his lifetime. Jesus really didn’t seem to care much about literality in general, talking in metaphor, analogy, parable, and absurd. To make things worse, soon after he died, a series of calamities befell the new religion that brought it almost to extinction. First there was the great fire of Rome in 64AD, to the day 1,949 years ago. Continue reading

L'America: My Take on the Zimmerman Case

2013-07-16 6 min read marco
[Note: this is an update of a post I wrote and published briefly before the verdict came out. Respect for the rule of law made me take down that post, as I thought it implausible that a not guilty verdict would be reached.] “Do I have to fear for my life if I come visit you in America?” That’s a question a friend of mine from Germany actually asked, in reference to the Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman case. Continue reading

HOWTO: Figure Out What File Is Missing, and Where

2013-07-16 5 min read Howto marco
One of the really maddening things about Linux (and UNIX in general) is that files are stored in random places. That is, they are not really random, but each application has its own idea of where it wants to look for stuff. You, as a user, have an inkling of what’s missing (maybe because of an error message, or because you researched on a search site). But you have not the foggiest idea of where you should look for it. Continue reading

Affordable Care Act: They Should Have Led With This

2013-07-16 1 min read marco
So today I received a letter in the mail. From my Health Care Provider, Kaiser. It was a message to warn me that Kaiser had spent only 77.6% of my premium on health care cost, but that the Affordable Care Act established that any HCP has to spend at least 80% of premiums on health care, and has to do everything else (administration, marketing, CEO salary) with the remaining 20%. Continue reading

L'America: A Trip to the Supermarket

2013-07-13 8 min read marco
One of the first things I do when in a new country is visit a supermarket. It’s not that I necessarily need food, it’s that I want to see what people eat. Every culture has its idiosyncrasies baked into the aisles in the supermarket, and I believe you learn more about people by seeing what they eat than by assiduous studying of tour guides. In Italy, for instance, aisles and aisles offer an endless selection of olive oil, different kinds of pasta, canned tomatoes, and coffees. Continue reading

Securing Dropbox Content with EncFS

2013-07-13 7 min read Howto marco
I read an article this morning about encryption on Cloud Storage Services. The idea was that the latest NSA spying scandals revealed how much the government can access, and the assumption is that a lot of the thing you store are sensitive enough that you wouldn’t want the government to have random access. The article then went on and introduced a series of software/service combinations that perform a sync and add encryption to your files. Continue reading
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