Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Creating DVDs in Linux 1. Basics

2013-07-05 11 min read Comparisons marco
I bought a Contour, to record some videos of myself struggling to surf, and now I decided it would be fun to splice the good parts (all three seconds) into a DVD I can give people I don’t like for Christmas. But how do I go about it? Are there any good DVD authoring tools in Linux that take the video formats I have and easily burn them onto a DVD? Continue reading

The Runner

2013-07-04 5 min read Gym and Fitness marco
Something is happening that I never thought possible: my workout routine is changing so much towards running, I have to call myself a runner nowadays. If you had asked me 5 years ago, when I still lived in San Francisco, if I’d ever consider running, I’d tell you there was no way. I was too big-framed, I would say, and besides my knees were hosed from multiple cycling injuries. Running was heavy on the … everything. Continue reading


2013-07-04 2 min read Howto marco
On this server (and on most others I administer) I use awstats for statistics. It’s a really nice package that give a pretty decent granularity of the visitors. It’s been working wonderfully for years, and once you get it configured, it is reliable. Until recently. I installed awstats 7.1, and it worked fine, but suddenly it stopped. Just like that. Adding any key-value configuration option would completely corrupt the output, and all output was gone for searches, bots, etc. Continue reading

The Mystery of the Terebinthus Neronis

2013-07-02 20 min read General marco
One of the central parts of In the MIssion deals with the overlapping tradition of betrayal that started the Christian Church. On one side, Judas gave away Jesus to the Temple; this tradition, while historically accurate, has created the false impression that Judas actually betrayed Jesus, where he simply seems to have fulfilled the instructions given to him. On the other hand, we have absolutely no knowledge of the details of Peter and Paul’s death in Rome. Continue reading

L'America: Why I Love America

2013-07-02 9 min read marco
Over the years, my European friends and family have repeatedly asked, “Marco, why do you like living in America so much?” When I hear that question, I just smile, because the answer is long and complex. Even when they pointed out all the strangeness of the Bush years, I continued smiling: what I love about America is not a particular administration, but the people and the culture. Surely, I am no bumbling fanboy that buys into anything whole cloth. Continue reading

Baked Potato (Updated)

2013-06-26 4 min read Surfing marco
After the Saturday Firewire demo in Pacific Beach, I decided to buy a Baked Potato. It’s is the perfect summer board for me: short, fat, and wide (heck, it almost looks like me!). Short means it handles well and has quick turns; wide means it provides stability in the frequently choppy/churny/crossed swell; fat means it has all the volume it needs to keep me afloat and to allow me to paddle into the better waves. Continue reading

Firewire Surfboards Demo: Testing Baked Potato, Vanguard, and Unibrow

2013-06-22 7 min read Surfing marco
The good folks at Firewire Surfboards came into town again, this time at my local break. They set up their truck in front of South Coast Surf Shop and had a good selection of boards with them. I had already tried a few here and there, but this time I wanted to give them the big test: a multi-hour session in 2-4 foot wind swell. I got there just in time for the truck to open. Continue reading

Cloud Atlas (2013)

2013-06-21 7 min read Movies marco
It’s not often that I get to see a movie based on a novel I haven’t read. I am a voracious reader, but I do not like going to the movies. Cloud Atlas gave me that chance: I had read about the novel only in passing, but the movie was front and center on the Amazon home screen. A perfect opportunity! I hear the novel was not doing so well, until it hit China and then it became a huge hit. Continue reading

Racism May Not Be the Worst Thing About Racism

2013-06-20 9 min read Musings marco
I moved to America because of racism. Not the racism you find in America, but the racism I faced in back home, in Germany. It may seem odd, but Germans were still wildly racist in 1998. Instead of targeting the (relatively) few Jews, they had chosen Southern European immigrants, especially those from Turkey, plus the asylum seekers to whom the constitution granted general welcome (but not the people that followed that constitution). Continue reading

Old Yeller

2013-06-20 3 min read Surfing marco
An important change is happening right now: I am finding myself yelling more and more often for people to get out of my way on a wave. Just yesterday, I had to do it five times. Now, you may ask, what is the reason for this change? Are people getting ruder and snaking more waves? Not so, it turns out. People are just as nice or as rude as they ever were, but I am getting better at surfing. Continue reading
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