Marco's Blog

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The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (T. Ryan)

2006-01-24 2 min read Books marco
Ok, I’ll give it away immediately: this is one charmer of a book! It’s the story of a woman who escapes an abusive husband and chronic poverty by participating in contests and winning prizes in a big way. She is so good at it, she makes a living with it and eclipses her husband’s earnings. All in all, though, it’s at the same time the story of ten kids that have to suffer through a childhood full of strictures just to find themselves a wonderful family that will stick together forever. Continue reading

Collapse (J. Diamond)

2006-01-23 3 min read Books marco
“Guns, Germs, and Steel” counts as one of those eye-opening books that correlate things you hadn’t thought about before, just like “Godel, Escher, Bach” a while back. I enjoyed it immensely, and I was looking forward to whatever Jarred Diamond was cooking up next. Which turned out to be the present book, Collapse. Guns was about how European societies dominated the world because Europe benefited from climatic benefits that no other area of the world had. Continue reading

Dress Your Family … (D. Sedaris)

2005-12-26 2 min read Books marco
… In Corduroy and Jeans. David Sedaris’s 2004 book continues the series of stories from the author’s family, including early childhood memories and recent memories of life in France with his partner, Hugh. I find it astonishing how the same man can write 5 books on his family life and still have more to say. I guess everyone else would run out of things to tell, but Sedaris’s family can be counted on for one more little funny story every single time. Continue reading

Nickel and Dimed (B. Ehrenreich)

2005-10-25 2 min read Books marco
A MUST READ. I don’t care what you have read this year, you HAVE to read this book. An incredible account: successful journalist decides to descend into the bowels of mankind and tries to balance her budget by working like a low earner and spending like a low earner. She finds out that’s impossible. What is really shocking is that she really, really tries. Barb goes in and tries herself at waitressing, at house-maiding, at Wal-Marting. Continue reading

Into Thin Air (J. Krakauer)

2005-10-24 2 min read Books marco
Do you think an expedition to climb Mt. Everest sounds fun? Well, if you do, you should read this book. Jon Krakauer is very sympathetic to the plight of mountaineers. He understands very well why people are attracted to high mountains, their rarified atmosphere, and to the incredible opportunities to die. And the latter are the most remarkable things about this book. Sent by Outside magazine to discover the thrill of Everest climbing, Mr. Continue reading

Wicked (G. Maguire)

2005-10-04 2 min read Books marco
I am terrified!!! Ok, so there is a story about the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz memory. Funny looking binding, Garamond-ish old-style font – I was so sure it was going to be ironic-sarcastic-amusing! I start reading, and someone I don’t smile. After the first chapter, I slowly start realizing this is not going to go anywhere else. It is going to stay what it started as. Continue reading

Me Talk Pretty One Day (D. Sedaris)

2005-09-05 2 min read Books marco
Yet another humorous gay book. David Sedaris is very well-known in this city (San Francisco), as one of the funniest of the bunch. This book, in turn, is quite well-known for being one of his masterpieces. So it goes. Let me tell you: it is funny. More the grin-and-smile kind of funny, witty, articulate, smart in places, but nothing of the promised outright heartsplitting laughter I thought I would get out of it. Continue reading

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (D. Eggers)

2005-09-05 3 min read Books marco
Ah, a Talented New Writer™! An autobiography of one such genius! What privilege! What happenstance! I have rarely had such a mixed impression of a book as with this particular one. Dave Eggers is an excellent writer: he has a wonderful voice, attention to the humanity that is happening around him. Still, I found myself deeply dissatisfied, and I had a hard time accepting why at first. Reading on, things became clearer. Continue reading

Life of Pi (Yann Martel)

2005-07-31 2 min read Books marco
There is something distinctly non-American about the narrative in “Life of Pi.” A flow of story that writers here seem to have forgotten: an seemingly infinite expansion when the story becomes wide and sweeping; a narrowing speedup where the story starts rushing like a rapid. Unpredictability is hence the motto, and it serves the story well. Life of Pi is a narrative that brought me closer to life, to nature, to humanity. Continue reading

Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism (J.S. Spong)

2005-07-21 6 min read Books marco
The most outstanding thing an alien from Western Europe notices when crossing the border to the United States is the degree to which Puritanism has influenced the world view of the common human in this country. Literal fundamentalism is something virtually unknown where I come from, and the Bible as a whole is read as a book illustrating the divine, not taking it for granted. Indeed, Western Europe has spent a great many years and a great many deaths on finally convincing itself the earth is not flat, the sun does not revolve around the earth, and that God did not create the world in seven literal days. Continue reading
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