Marco's Blog

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PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 12 - CanJS

2014-11-18 2 min read Comparisons marco
Maybe it’s because I was so overwhelmed by the dozen files that made the previous combination tick, but I was ready to kiss CanJS when I saw the directory tree contained a grand total of four files. Yes, I know, four large files are not better than a dozen small ones, but it seemed that an application as simple as this Todo list shouldn’t need such granularity. The CanJS homepage is a hoot. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 11 - Backbone

2014-11-17 3 min read Comparisons marco
The odd thing about our Backbone/Marionette/Require implementation is the sheer number of Javascript files that litter its directory structure. There are 6 view files alone – one for the ActiveCount, one for the CompletedCount, one for the Header and one for the Footer, and one each for the the TodoItem and one for the list. There are four templates, a router, a controller, a file for the collections, and one for the mode, plus an app and a main Javascript files, and one that defines the templates used. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 10 - AngularJS

2014-11-17 2 min read Comparisons marco
AngularJS is a Google product. As with many things coming out of that company, it can be a little prejudiced and quirky. It also has to live with the fact the company has about a dozen Javascript frameworks running around, so it’s never clear which one is going to get most love. What is special about Angular is that it tries to live within the confines of the HTML, giantly souped up. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 9 - Ampersand

2014-11-17 5 min read Comparisons marco
Our alphabetically first contender has been around less than a year. Less than a half year, in fact, but it has already garnered quite a lot of attention. There is a company behind it, &yet (read: and yet). They make development tools, so they say, so one would think Ampersand is their core offering. Unsurprisingly, they put a lot of weight and passion behind it. The introduction to the framework says: Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 8 - Documentation

2014-11-17 4 min read Comparisons marco
What good is it to you if everybody loves a super-zippy framework if you can’t learn how to use it? We know a few things about the remaining contenders: They are not slow (efficient) They don’t require a novel to bring a button to the screen (concise) They have people interested in them (active) The next step would be to go into each Todo example and learn how each framework handles the task. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 7 - Activity

2014-11-17 7 min read Comparisons marco
One of the big problems with technology is the rapid pace of change. It’s good for users, of course, but it can be a real challenge for developers. That’s not because it’s hard to learn new technology, but because you may end up creating something in a framework that becomes a dead-end. Then, as the Internet moves on, you have to switch your app to a different framework if you want to make use of new technology. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 6 - Elimination Round

2014-11-17 2 min read Comparisons marco
Since the next few steps are going to be pretty expensive time-wise (on my part), it’s time to remove some of the options from the table. That should speed up the process, and I don’t think I left any real candidates out. First, we are going to eliminate those contenders that have a much faster cousin. That means all the combinations with RequireJS will be kept, while their Require-less brethren are kicked out. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 5 - Performance

2014-11-17 4 min read Comparisons marco
Well, here it is: the article about performance. I won’t leave you guessing: here is the chart with the results, and all the surprises it entails: Cautionary tale: given the number of frameworks and the boredom of hitting refresh, I only did ten refreshes per framework. Given the spread of the results (not shown here) that could catapult any framework a few rankings up or down, depending on where it goes. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 4 - Coding

2014-11-17 9 min read Comparisons marco
One of the differences between mobile development for sites and for browserified apps is that you don’t have to download the supporting files every time you start. That’s because they are typically packaged with the app and are right there with it on the device. That’s a huge difference with respect to looking up mobile sites, because there every byte you can squeeze out is a byte you don’t have to download. Continue reading

PIcking Your Javascript Mobile Framework: Part 3 - Minimum Functionality

2014-11-16 4 min read Comparisons marco
If you are joining us now, this is a multi-part shootout of mobile Javascript frameworks. In the last instalment, we got a series of candidates, 77 long. In this instalment, we will look at functionality. The Todo app pushed by the TodoMVC team is very simple, but pretty complete. In it you: Create new todo items by entering them into a box Display all available todo items Alternatively, display only the active ones, or the completed ones Mark a todo item as completed by checking a box to its left Delete a todo item Delete all completed todo items Edit a todo item Bindings and behaviors were refined further: Continue reading
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