Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Summit Avenue

2004-04-04 2 min read Cycling General marco
I took the car all the way to the Presidio to avoid riding in the City, then specialized on the Marin part of the ride. There was a lot going on. People were flocking out of the city on what looked like a gorgeous morning, and getting through Sausalito was a pain. The goal was a run-up to Mt. Tam. Since it looms high above the valley and is highly visible from virtually anywhere, I thought it shouldn’t be hard to get to it. Continue reading

Bay Trail & Divisadero

2004-03-29 2 min read Cycling General marco
I tried something different and took the Bay Trail today. It winds through Sausalito, then out around the Bay. It eventually must circle around the Tiburon peninsula, but I had no time to check it out. I was early, but I saw a lot of cyclists. It is the most convenient way to get to Mt. Tam and the Point Reyes area, for sure, so I was not surprised to see a lot of bikers GATHERING there. Continue reading

Bidding on eBay

2004-03-27 1 min read Cycling General marco
To each his vice. Mine are skinsuits. I find them much more convenient than any other cycling stuff, especially because they are pretty much the only thing that doesn’t double the fabric just right where you don’t need it, anyway: the mid section. Besides, they look good, no matter what you think. Turns out that new skinsuits are prohibitively expensive. $150, sometimes. But there is an exceedingly good aftermarket on eBay. Continue reading

Sunday Was So Sunny

2004-03-15 1 min read Cycling General marco
Ok, this Sunday beat them all. It topped a long week of sunny, sunny days, with quite the detrimental effect on my work ethics. And it should have been the first cooler day. Turned out not to be true. I had a nice brunch with friends in the Castro, and then moved on across the bridge, then up Conzelman, down Point Bonita, and then up Mc… something again. It was a lot of fun, although the Sunday crowd doesn’t even remotely compare to Saturdays. Continue reading

Marin Headlands

2004-03-07 2 min read Cycling General marco
So this is what a wonderful sunny day looks like… I headed out around 10a. A Porsche almost killed me while trying to pass a car that was turning left at an intersection, but from there on things were easy. I took the usual route to the bridge (see below), crossed it and got to the top of Conzelman. Of course, now that I am used to OLH, Conzelman is a warmup and no more. Continue reading


2004-03-06 1 min read Cycling General marco
It’s official: this is the first weekend of the new spring. It’s been fun: I drove out from the city to the gym first, worked out a little bit, and then hit the road, following on the path of Spectrum. I met them up on Canada road. It was by far the largest group I have ever seen, probably over one hundred bikers. Pudgy all of them, just like me! 🙂 Continue reading

Working out and Traveling - Spinning

2004-03-02 1 min read Cycling General marco
Each day in a different spot. That’s the deal right now. One wishes it were easier to get bikes shipped around. Instead, all I can do is a bit of treadmill and stationary bike. Neither feels like the real thing. I confess I haven’t been on the saddle in a long while. I moved, which drained a lot of time; the weather has been bad beyond normal; I moved over to more indoors exercise. Continue reading


2004-01-31 1 min read Cycling General marco
What a beautiful day! It was sunny, and it was warm for a winter day. Spectrum was a huge ride, and everyone that owned a bike seemed to be on Foothill Expressway. Well, except for me, who was stuck in a car going to the gym and then to pack for my upcoming move. The acacias are in full bloom. What a wonderful sight, what a marvelous smell!

Broken Shifter

2004-01-25 2 min read Cycling General marco
Not too long ago, the left shifting cable broke. Now, they always break at the top, in the shifter, just to make your life more miserable. You have to get rid of the barrel that hold the cable in place, and unstick it from wherever it decided to go. The left one was fun. I didn’t know shit about shifters, and I unscrewed everything that was unscrewable. And all of a sudden a loud POP, and the front cap of the shifter was gone. Continue reading

First Sunny Day of the Year

2004-01-10 1 min read Cycling General marco
Saturday. Weird mood, with a strange fog hanging over the Valley. I had met the founder of one of the most successful startups in town yesterday. Athletic triathlete, a 17 on OLH. (If you don’t know what that means, it’s 17 minutes up Old La Honda). He inspired me to get up and get riding. First a ride to the coffee shop on Hollenbeck and Homestead. There I saw the Spectrum group departure location for the first time. Continue reading
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