Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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YHIHF: Do Internet Shopping Companies Ship by Access?

2010-07-09 3 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
It’s been a few months now that I noticed something odd going on. Whenever I buy something on certain online shopping sites, nothing happens for a while. Then, when I log on to check what’s happening with my order, mysteriously it ships on the same day. It all started with this deal site. I ordered a refurbished computer, and while the site stated they were shipping within two days, after four I had no email confirmation, no tracking number, nothing. Continue reading

Comparing eBook Readers

2010-07-03 5 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
The local Best Buy has a display with different eBook readers, so I got a chance to hold them all in hand and compare them. Nice way to entice customers, by the way! Price wars are all the rage right now. The new Nook reader came out, and the price dropped to $149 (no 3G). Amazon followed suit and dropped the price of the Kindle to $189 (with 3G, compared with $199 for the nook 3G). Continue reading

MeeGo to Become Default OS for Nokia Smartphones?

2010-06-25 6 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
To my complete surprise, I found an article on Slashdot this morning, in which Reuters was quoted as saying that Nokia is going to ditch Symbian on the N series of phones. Instead of the trusted in-house OS, Nokia is moving their flagship product to MeeGo. For those of you who don’t know, MeeGo is the merger or Nokia’s very on Maemo project and Intel’s Moblin. All three projects have the same aim: to provide a full Linux distribution for mobile devices. Continue reading

Kindle and Calibre

2010-06-24 3 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
I’ve been using Calibre on and off to get content to my Kindle, and I have to admit the software is gaining a lot in functionality as it matures. The version label (currently 0.6.42) doesn’t do functionality, stability, and ease of use justice at all, and I highly recommend it to anyone with a Kindle, regardless of use. What do I do with it? I mainly add all those files I couldn’t otherwise read on Kindle. Continue reading

Quick Greasemonkey Script for Kelley Blue Book

2010-06-18 3 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
One of the most frustrating user interfaces on the planet is that of Kelley Blue Book. It just seems to be designed around the idea of making you click as many times as possible to get to the information you need, instead of around the notion of quick access. Is that because KBB wants to maximize ad impressions? Well, it really doesn’t matter. There is only a certain amount of clicks I will endure until I start typing URLs manually into a browser, and KBB got me there. Continue reading

Compact Flash - Long Obsolete?

2010-06-12 3 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
A few years back, I thought I’d revive my days of taking pictures and bought myself a digital SLR. Back then, they were not all the rage, mostly because they were so incredibly expensive and the pictures they shot were not much better than the point-and-shooters’. Seriously, if it hadn’t been that I was already used to SLRs and that I knew how powerful the lenses are, I would have done without. Continue reading

My Ideal Phone

2010-06-08 6 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
I am OK with my N900, but not really happy. The software is still buggy, the thing is too heavy, and the slider keyboard is useless. I do like certain things about it, tough, and that got me thinking: what would a perfect phone look like? Form Factor I find that the bigger the screen, the more I like a phone. Actually, it’s mostly the resolution that I like – I couldn’t live with the crappy resolution of the 3G iPhone, and the resolution of current Android devices (and of the N900) is OK. Continue reading

MMS on Nokia N900/T-Mobile

2010-06-07 1 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
OK, this is the latest on N900 and T-Mobile MMS. It works, but you have to figure out a few things. To save you the time and aggravation, here is my recipe: Download and install (via Application Manager) fMMS. In fMMS, go to Settings -> Internet Connection Settings Get the current settings from this page (they worked for me) You are ready to go The settings (in the format used by fMMS), in case you can’t reach the page or whatever, are summarized below: Continue reading

Mashups, Lady GaGa, and the Rebirth of Pop

2010-06-03 5 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
A slightly unusual post today. I’ll talk for a change about music, even if with a firm rooting in technology. As someone who lived through the 80s, I can say that whatever you may think of politics, economics, fashion, or architecture, you’ll have to admit that music in that decade was exciting. Sure, the 60s had the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, etc. – but the 80s had by far the best pop music. Continue reading

Roku Player

2010-05-28 7 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
I was getting more and more frustrated with my Netflix account. The company was going more and more in the direction of online streaming, but you had to use Internet Explorer to watch online movies and shows. I knew for a long time that Netflix was going to push online streaming. After all, the whole business model with the mailing of DVDs had to be hugely expensive and incredibly inefficient: you’d spend a vast portion of your revenue on simply postage, no matter what wonderful deal they had with the USPS. Continue reading
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