Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Rockbox on the SanDisk Sansa Clip v1

2010-05-19 2 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
I’ve been fascinated by the RockBox project for a while now. It is an alternative firmware (i.e. OS lite) for music players with a bunch of extra features. It is being ported to a range of different devices and it is becoming the Linux of sorts of MP3 players. (Soon to be replaced by actual Linux, one presumes…) The first device for which I had a RockBox port was an old iPod, the ones we would call “classic” these days. Continue reading

R.I.P. Kindle

2010-05-19 2 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
The disturbing trend of electronic gadgets dying earlier in their life span continues. My Kindle gave up yesterday. I turned it on, and the e-ink display was broken, showing me weird streaks on the top right portion. It looks like blunt force, but the reader was not exposed to any force. Well, I was kinda happy with my Kindle – loving the wireless connectivity, long battery life, and clarity of the display. Continue reading

Developing for Maemo - Fremantle VirtualBox Image

2010-04-22 3 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
So I’ve been playing around with the Fremantle VirtualBox image that provides on their web site. The idea is great: you get the image, run it in a virtualization environment, and you don’t have to set up anything. Great idea, poor implementation. First of all, the image doesn’t come pre-loaded with instructions. I would have expected a big icon to show on the desktop after launch, telling me what to do next. Continue reading

The Suicide of the Kindle

2010-04-20 5 min read Electronics Anonymous marco
Who remembers the time when Amazon deleted a bunch of books from Kindles? It was the dark ages of e-ink, Amazon was the undisputed master of ebooks, its marketplace was teeming with “publishers” that sold books in the public domain. One of those publishers offered a book whose copyrights had not expired. Understandable, given the absurd length of copyright extensions. In any case, what Amazon did next was completely horrifying to any book lover. Continue reading
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