Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Digital SLRs

2005-10-29 6 min read Gadgets marco
{moszoomimglink:canon_eos_digital_rebel_xt}I have been a fan of digital photography since the early days (for amateurs). My Nikon 950, despite its shortcomings, shot wonderful pictures. So did the 990 that replaced it. Unfortunately, I was always dreaming of something better. I remembered my old days with the first autofocus cameras, my first EOS 650, and the beautiful pictures it shot. Stolen by a vandal in Amsterdam, it was replaced with a Minolta that, I am sure, was state of the art back then. Continue reading

Garmin ForeRunner 201

2004-06-08 1 min read Gadgets marco
I just ordered a ForeRunner unit to replace my Polar HRM. It is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and I am all excited. I always thought that GPS is the way to go for cycling, because it doesn’t require modifications to the bike, is more precise, and it gives you a better indication of location. For a while I was toying with the idea of using my Zaurus SL-5500 as a bike computer. Continue reading

CanoScan N1220U

2002-12-06 1 min read Gadgets marco
Yet another maddening piece of hardware that resists all attempts to make it run under Linux… SANE is kind enough to tell me the chip is a National Semiconductor, and that support is going to be built-in very soon, but I’ve had the unit for two years, now, and still no resolution in sight. Who’s to blame? Canon and their blind policy of not releasing information? Linux and the lack of central authority? Continue reading
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