Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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Finally, more money

2006-04-21 2 min read Ninole House marco
Brad and his wife have this odd communication pattern: they won’t respond to my inquiries for days and weeks, until they need something (in particular money). So I called them every day since last Friday, and no word from them until Wednesday. I needed to know whether to go for anodized or painted screens, and now the order is delayed by a week thanks to the duo. Well, I get a call back with “everything is A-OK! Continue reading

No news is bad news

2006-04-18 2 min read Ninole House marco
I’ve tried to get in touch with my contractors in Hawai`i over the weekend. I have a quote for the screens outstanding (anodized or painted?) and wanted to wish Brad a happy birthday on Sunday. Called several times, left messages, heard nothing back. I know the pattern – not the first time it happens. Whenever there are bad news to report, I hear nothing from them. What could it be this time? Continue reading

DIY Mudding

2006-04-05 2 min read Ninole House marco
Given that the timing is tight and I need to do something useful, I started helping with the mudding of the walls. Do you know what that is? I didn’t, hence I’ll explain it to everyone that doesn’t know either. The process of putting together a wall used to entail, in the old days: bricks mortar plaster You’d take the bricks, put them together with mortar, and then add plaster on top. Continue reading

State in Emergency

2006-03-31 2 min read Ninole House marco
Amazing and hard to believe, but global warming has the strangest effects in the islands. The papers are full of stories about the storms that have been hitting Oahu in the past week, all mentioning how nobody has ever seen this kind of weather. More and more blame it on the ability of winter storms to reach farther down to the tropics, and consequently to the islands. Fortunately things are calming down, and we are enjoying a gorgeous Hamakua day around here. Continue reading

Rain, Rain, Rain

2006-03-30 2 min read Ninole House marco
Back in Ninole, where life is good. I finally have Internet connectivity (thanks to a Verizon card), which helps a lot. Still no kitchen, though, or potable water, so I still drive to Hilo in the morning. Work on the house is slower even than feared. There are a few drywalls in, the staircase down is closer to final, and the inspector had only three things to complain about: The bannisters of the main lanai were spaced too far apart (but he’s essentially complaining that the building code is too lax in the matter) The master bathroom has no ventilation (which then turned into not enough ventilation) The windows of the master bedroom are too low and it’s too easy to fall out. Continue reading

Late, late, late

2006-02-28 1 min read Ninole House marco
Just came back from Ninole, with a day-long flight that managed to be by far the fastest I have taken. The plane made it into the Bay Area from Honolulu in 4:19, and then had to park due to heavy winds for 40 minutes (sigh). The house is well, with the tile work in progress and the electrical close to rough-in. That means we still have a few weeks to go, but then it’s final inspection and I can my refi done. Continue reading


2006-01-24 1 min read Ninole House marco
The night I arrive, we had a spectacular full moon that had a great time blasting light all over the island. You didn’t need any lanterns or other devices, so bright was it. Looking towards the mountain, we saw the usual rain clouds hammering the upper slopes. All of a sudden, a huge greyish ring forms, and we realize we are seeing a rainbow of moonlight. Is that a moonbow?

Staircase Complete

2005-11-04 1 min read Ninole House marco
Just finished speaking with Brad: the progress on the house seems to be fantastic! I don’t know how much of that I got right, but here is what I remember: The staircase from the ground floor to the first floor is complete Some of the interior walls are put in The cabinets are all moved out of the container and placed in the kitchen The plumber started working and thinks he’s going to be finished over the weekend The only surprise (other than pleasant) in all of this was that there were three tubs, not two and a shower basin. Continue reading
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