Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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10 Worst Habits of Productive Employees

2005-11-06 1 min read Site Updates marco
You know how it feels when you are trying really hard, but it somehow never seems to matter much? When you feel like your manager doesn’t see what you are doing, when you are not getting credit for all the hard work? I know how it feels from both sides. Moving on to management changed my perception of how to make my work relevant, just as much as interviewing candidates improved my interviewing skills. Continue reading

Switching to Joomla

2005-11-03 1 min read Site Updates marco
Yes, it’s true. I have been looking at Joomla, the new fork of Mambo. I am still not quite sure what happened and why the fork was necessary, but the Joomla boys seem to be the good ones, and a lot of activity has been pouring in their direction. So far, there seems to be no real reason to change, other than the name. On the other hand, this new template I am using is really wonderful. Continue reading

Uploaded Images from July and August Trips

2005-09-03 1 min read Site Updates marco
I found a set of beautiful pictures from Puna ({moszoomalbum:Puna}), shot during the vacation I took with Kirk in July. In addition, I added the latest set of pictures from my latest stint to check up on the beginning of the construction. No pictures of the construction per se, but a lot of scenery.

Site Update!

0001-01-01 4 min read Site Updates marco
What do you know, it’s been quiet on here for a while. What happened was a merely technical problem: I knew that the software I use to write this blog, Joomla, was shifting from the version I used (2.5) to a completely new 3.x. That meant that a lot of the things I rely on to provide additional functionality wouldn’t work anymore. Plus, the old software would eventually not be updated any longer, making this site a potential security risk. Continue reading
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