Marco's Blog

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GTotN Day 5: Jackson to Big Sky

2016-02-15 2 min read Travel marco
i was a little apprehensive at first. The final part of the drive from Sun Valley to Jackson Hole, the Tetons, had been steep and fraught with danger. What would the drive to Big Sky look like? I knew there was a canyon involved, but how steep would it be? The weather was nice, and as I point out in the previous post, I felt Confident. First, the crossing of the Tetons. Continue reading

GTotN Day 4/5: Jackson Hole

2016-02-15 4 min read Travel marco
Sometimes, you experience something as wonderful and you realize it might not be as good next time around. You were euphoric with the excitement of the discoverer, and there is no way next time you’ll have as good a time. Turns out that may be true in general, but not in this case. I remembered Jackson Hole as a wonderful, amazing place. The second time around, it was the same thing, but better. Continue reading

GTotN Day 4: Lexington Inn and Jackson, WY

2016-02-15 3 min read Travel marco
As the brochures ask, is it called Jackson, Jackson Hole, or Teton Village? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the Arctic wind. Jackson, WY is the town. A very nice town, indeed. The low-lying valley of the Snake river around the Tetons is called Jackson Hole. So Jackson (the city) is located in Jackson Hole the area. Teton Village is the name of the base area of the ski resort, which is named after the area, Jackson Hole. Continue reading

GTotN Day 3: Sun Valley to Jackson Hole

2016-02-15 3 min read Travel marco
The drive from Sun Valley to Jackson Hole was 4.5 hours planned. Leaving the first resort at closing time would have gotten me into Jackson after 8, which is something I didn’t want, since the last part of the drive involved crossing the Tetons. I left early (sue me), after lunch. As usual, I had packed the car and checked out, and since the lot was so close to the hotel, I just moved everything to the lot. Continue reading

GTotN Day 2: Sun Valley Resort

2016-02-15 5 min read Travel marco
From the hotel to the entrance to River Run Lodge I had a 9 minute walk. In fact, getting from the Lodge to the parking lot was shorter than from the end of the lot to the resort. Sun Valley is incredibly friendly. It advertises it won “Best of” awards in a number of categories, like speed of the lifts, kid friendliness, etc. None of them are technical wins. There is no, “Best lift” award, or “Most difficult terrain. Continue reading

GTotN Day 2: Best Western Tyrolean Lodge and Ketchum, ID

2016-02-15 2 min read Travel marco
I didn’t really get a chance to connect to the place when I checked in. I just picked up the room keys and walked up the stairs, then dropped dead tired into bed. It was in the morning that I activated my snow sense. I got the coffee maker out and started my day by brewing a 12 cup batch and checking email. The hotel WiFi was pretty crappy, and the LTE gizmo turned out to be on AT&T, not Verizon as I wished. Continue reading

GTotN Day 1: San Diego to Sun Valley

2016-02-15 3 min read Travel marco
The Alaska flight to Boise leaves San Diego at 3:40p from Terminal 1. It was a Sunday, so the late afternoon was a perfect time to go. What do you know, it was also the first day of a heating trend and I found myself leaving town with the first long stretch of beach weather arriving. It’s been a cold winter, this year, with barely a day making it to average temperature. Continue reading

GTotN: Planning

2016-02-15 12 min read Travel marco
Why did I pick the three resorts on the list? Why Sun Valley, Jackson Hole, and Big Sky? Mountain Collective had added Sun Valley this year, with Lake Louise and Thredbo. I dreamed of going to Lake Louise, but an international trip comes with its complications: if you rent a car, you cannot cross borders. You need to bring your passport, and that makes things a lot more complicated in case stuff (including the passport) is lost or stolen. Continue reading

The Big Island

2005-04-29 4 min read Travel marco
{moszoomimglink:Waipi’o – tiny Hi’ilawe falls} I am writing this fresh from a one week vacation to Kona, spent mostly exploring and marveling at the miracles of this biggest of the Hawaiian islands. It is so big, indeed, that it would easily fit all other islands combined. {moszoomimglink:All of Mauna Loa} Like all other islands in the chain, Hawai’i is formed by volcanoes that rise up all the way from the bottom of the sea. Continue reading


2005-04-29 3 min read Travel marco
Oh, what a surprise! You won’t know what you missed in life until you got to Kauai. {moszoomimglink:Wailua falls}The Northernmost major island of the chain, Kauai is the one that gets the most water. It is the oldest, too, so that the flanks of the volcano that makes up the bulk of its mass are eroded into deep valleys with sharp razor-edged mountain ridges to separate them. There is, as usual, a wet side and a dry side to it. Continue reading
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