Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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We got there

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
The flight was uneventful. We stopped in Dallas, where the winter was not as clement as I now know it to be. A clear day, a cold day, and we were not prepared. The next flight was on time, more peanuts served, more desserts shoved over the seats back to me, unable to sleep for excitement. It was night when we landed. And nothing distinguishes Frankfurt from Honolulu at night. The Germans even have a saying that goes: “At night all cats are grey. Continue reading

How Did I Get There?

2005-04-29 3 min read Travel marco
{moszoomimglink:Gisela und Marco, nettes Bild} It all began in 1992. I was finishing up my Master’s Thesis in Physics at the University of Aachen, and got a phone call from Southern Germany. My two aunts had decided they wanted to visit their friend Doris and needed a … well … guide and translator and caretaker and entertainer. Since I was too busy to visit them during the year, they would use my services only for one week, and stay themselves for two. Continue reading

And If I Get Sick?

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
Nobody ever wants to get sick, and for sure not on vacation. But if you are in trouble, you will want to have read what to expect in advance. Western Europe, to which Italy belongs, is highly civilized. This means the medical system is very well established, with the usual structure of first aid services, local hospitals and major health centers that we know from the States. Treatment is usually quite good, although nurses are severely underpaid and traditionally rely on the families of patients to pitch in with the assistance. Continue reading

Talking With Your Hands

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
Or: A Primer On Non-Verbal Communication You’ve all heard that Italians talk with their hand. Now if that’s not a tourist-friendly way of communicating! Just learn to do as Italians do, and the language barrier is something for the myths of community college courses. As any old culture, Italy has its very own style of communication. You will have a much better experience if you know what the little tell-tale signs are (gestures and actions), especially if you are not an extrovert person to begin with. Continue reading

On the Road

2005-04-29 4 min read Travel marco
Or: Traveling in Italy. Personally, my favorite way of experiencing Italy is by bike. You can travel leisurely, purposefully and get a workout at the same time. And the distances are not too daunting: you can do the Milan to Rome race in just two weeks. Ok, that was a nice joke, wasn’t it? Cars, let’s start with cars. Sincerely, you have to be quite an aggressive driver here in the States to like the traffic in Italy. Continue reading

A Little Activity

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
Oh, what fun it is to play beach volleyball in Rimini! Especially as a possibly blond(e) American! The crowd will be in awe of the foreigners, the americani, and will lift them to the skies win or lose. Sporting activities in Italy are like everywhere else. There are fewer golf courses and tennis courts, and they are quite expensive. But if you want to bike – what better place than the hills of Tuscany (ask you legs after two weeks, and they’ll tell you a hundred better places! Continue reading

Enough Already! Where Is the Boutique?

2005-04-29 3 min read Travel marco
Well, where is it? Italy is one of those places where the shopper has only a few things in mind: clothes, cars, shoes and leather in general, food. Bad news: most food is off-limits and most cars are too heavy for the overhead compartment. I have seen desperate men eating entire salami on their way back, since fresh food is taboo. And I have seen helpless men roam around at their hometown DMV, trying to get their imported Ferraris through inspection. Continue reading

Let's Talk About Art

2005-04-29 3 min read Travel marco
Now that our stomachs are full, let’s stroll to the best art in town… And where would that be? Too much art can be. And surely you’ll understand that once an enthusiastic travel companion drags you through all the sites in you guide book. Don’t let that happen to you: focus on something you particularly enjoy, and let the other stuff to the other guys. And still, there are some jewels you just can’t do without. Continue reading

What Can Go Wrong?

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
Italians love guests, just like most peoples in the Mediterranean. And guest is whoever is not a regular and is invited. Hence, you will be guests as you enter Italy. Now, guests are supposed to know how to behave, and if you won’t know the rules, you won’t be a guest for long. So watch yourself and make sure you avoid at least these easily spotted pitfalls. First, avoid tourist traps. Continue reading

Pizza and the Rest of the Day

2005-04-29 2 min read Travel marco
Afternoon is reserved for the merenda, yet another snack. By now, you should wonder how those Italians manage to stay fit and good-looking. I don’t know either, it seems to be all about food, all the time. Merenda, in any case, is a Latin words that literally means: that has to be earned. So it’s customary for parents to give their children a snack in the afternoon if they have been behaving and doing their homework. Continue reading
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