Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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wget - the Universal Web Retrieval Tool

2005-04-30 4 min read Utilities marco
wget – the Universal Web Retrieval Tool If you spend a lot of time on the web researching information, you have probably wished you could store some of the HTML pages you find locally on your machine. Sometimes the site you are going to is really slow, but you have to consult it frequently; other times you know you won’t be able to get to the web, but need to information on the road; and in the third and worst case, it is good to have your diagnostic information handy if your connectivity ever goes down. Continue reading

Reading HRM Files

2003-05-24 1 min read Utilities marco
Finally got the HRM filter to run! Well, it was pretty much just busy work, and I am sure I still missed a million things… But I finally got the software to read the HRM files I generate! I integrated the calls into the usual workout.c file – now it checks the first two bytes – if they aren’t what it would expect for a srd file, it checks if it can find the string Version=106; if so, it reads the file as Windows HRM. Continue reading

Polar Software Clarification

2003-05-19 1 min read Utilities marco
This is for Pieter, who asked if the Polar software will be for Linux or Windows… Well, in theory it should work just fine for either, but since I don’t actually have Windows at home, it will probably run much better on Linux. I use the Polar software to download my record at work using a Windows computer, but I find the functionality really awkward and prefer the graphs generated with GD much better. Continue reading
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