Up (2001-06-27 Hawaii With Kirk)
A stream falling into a pool
Closeup of buddhist temple
Coastline on the way to hana
Hasegawa general store the sight in hana
Kirk and marco at big makena
Kirk and marco under the banyan tree[1]
Kirk on the bridge to the upper pools
Kirk sitting under the rainbow gum tree
Kirk standing at the edge of the pool
Kirk standing in front of big makena
Marco and his mahu lei[1]
Marco cleaning his tevas[1]
Marco studly on the jeep[1]
Marco swimming at red sand beach[1]
One of the many flower stands
Sun setting around the haleakala
The lower pool and waterfall
The miracle of lava pools
The shrine of our lady on the rocks
The sky really looked like this
The walkway through the bamboo forest
Walking through the forest
Water drippling into a lava pool
Water flowing from one pool to the next