Up (2002-07-04 Kauai With Kirk Mark And Camy)
01 first view of waimea canyon
03 clouds, mountains, canyon
04 kirk mark and camy having fun
05 niihau in the distance
10 the ruggedness of it all
11 the clouds staring at me
12 looks like an observatory to me
14 the bottom of the kalalau valley
15 kalalau and its many colors
16 clouds obscuring kalalau
18 the pali in the waialeale mist
19 the sign pointing to waialeale
20 idyllic view of kalalau valley
21 kalalau valley from high above
22 the muddy start of the trails to alakai swamps
23 starting on the nualolo trail
24 the lush but sparse forest in the first section
25 dry grey and wet green alternating
26 dry, the trail starts being in a ditch
28 the ditch gets deeper, the soil redder
29 the ocean coming closer
30 the ditch is really deep and steep
31 there is magnificent green even in the relative desert
32 first sight of lolo flat
33 first glimpse of nualolo valley
35 the trail is steep and crumbly i have to slide down
36 the first sign on the trail
37 nualolo valley in the harsh midday light
39 clouds start covering the valley walls
42 the streams snakes its way into the ocean
43 finally, the na pali coast
45 looking back, the trail seems even scarier
46 the bottom of the valley, glorious in the sun
47 what are these berries
48 the perfect light for nualolo
49 ever seen a flower as spectacular
50 light shining on the valley floor
51 na pali constantly tops itself
52 through a ditch, to the pali, to the ocean
53 on the cliff trail, things become greener
54 back to the main trail and the main forest
55 the flat from the trail
56 lights and shadows playing
57 by the end of the cliff trail, i was getting tired
58 rooster at the end of awaawapuhi trail
59 another stunning view of the valley
60 black, the pali frames the sea
63 the magical valley is slowly disappearing
64 the omnipresent ferns make it look like jurassic park
65 the forest alive with light
66 marco under the tree[1]
68 not much to look at, but sure wonderful smell
71 close enough to sunset on the way home