Up (2003-03-07 Maui With Kirk)
09 51 it all starts at 8000 feet
09 52 looking over west maui
10 26 convection clouds are forming
10 45 convection clouds reaching over the crater walls
10 45 in the distance, mauna kea and kohala
10 45 the blueness of the sky shifts all colors
10 45 the first glimpse of the crater from leleiwi overlook
10 45 what remains of the northeast wall of haleakala
10 46 from all colors of the sea to the black of the mountain
10 50 horizon, cloud and brush
10 57 a bike tour pausing to count and let pass
11 00 the highway still snakes its way, the clouds encroaching
11 02 after one hour, finally the 9000 foot mark
11 12 the first glimpse of the observatory
11 17 two miles to the summit
11 20 as the highway meanders
11 33 the prairie turns into desert towards the summit
11 42 the clouds reach the observatory only during the day
11 44 i am really close now
11 56 a biker, who knows from how far
11 58 the highway snakes on, i will turn to the trail
11 59 the trailhead to sliding sands
12 01 a vent, martian style
12 01 haleakala visitor center
12 01 sky, clouds and the crater
12 12 in the distance, mauna kea
12 13 the trail snakes its way down 2000 feet
12 14 closing in on the hooded person
12 14 contemplating the universe
12 15 the trail and the valley bottom infinitely far
12 18 black rock, blue sky
12 21 cinder sand and rocks that stabilize it
12 22 the walls descend very steeply
12 26 red plateau and blue ocean
12 26 streaks of colored sands merge at the bottom
12 29 looking back for the first time
12 30 high above the clouds
12 42 the visitable vent with the trail leading to it
12 49 focus on the cloud and the sky turns blue
12 53 alive and dead closeby
12 54 the prettiest silversword
12 57 newborn ahinahina is actually green
13 04 reached the vent, looking at the red
13 04 this is what the bottom of the vent looks like
13 05 a slippery, thin trail crawls around the hilltop
13 22 the brightness is blinding
13 25 pretty much the only natives of the crater
13 38 the crumbling south wall
13 39 clouds seeping in from koolau
13 39 getting close to puu maui, the largest cone
13 44 the trail becomes a trough
13 44 white clouds and black rock, impossible contrast
13 47 desert, rocks and vent compete with the sky
13 53 the northeast mountain possessed by the clouds
13 56 the valley floor, mostly a flat desert
14 13 from the rubble of the vent to the solid lava of the floor
14 16 rock valley and red vent
14 17 the trail will snake its way to the vent
14 23 looking back to the summit
14 26 sky, moon, vent and ahinahina
14 27 the only flower in the desert
14 29 the cinder interrupted by a lava ridge
14 35 again, colors playing
14 40 the only other two people in the heart of the crater
14 42 the trail circles around a vent to the bottomless pit
14 44 vent after vent, the volcano had so many different materials
14 46 one of the three cabins in the crater
14 52 bottomless pit 65 ft deep
14 52 the bottomless pit is just a grungy hole
15 09 towards koolau you see the lava flows
15 13 looking back, things are black
15 40 the west valley walls are graced by clouds
15 42 holoa cabin signals the end of the flat part
15 50 looking down from holoa to the grassy valley
15 51 a pyramid rock in the plain
16 00 there you see the switchbacks
16 07 the gate out of koolau
16 22 focus on the trail see it
16 22 looking back to the valley
16 24 a red fern clinging to the sheer rock wall
16 30 the clouds engulf the gap
16 35 the clouds playing with the vents
16 51 it is starting to be evening in koolau
17 06 the last view of puu maui
17 10 civilization is close
17 15 hath world ever seen more beautiful a parking lot
17 24 there you are, back where i started
17 30 stopping on the way back to look at the clouds