2003-07-19 Safari West 2003-07-19 1 min read Photos marco Up (2003) A female ostrich A male ostrich A random bird A relative of mondo A tent Another jeep in the distance Another vehicle crawling up Bird on the run Can you see how it hides Cheetah and the girl Cheetah hunting Closing in on the top of the north tower Crowned ibis Curiosity killed the giraffe Driving through the golden gate Ducks in a row Feeding the giraffes Finally some food Giraffes in their cages Hullo, anyone there It was too hot to stand in the sun Jana and jill Jill Kirk, ready to go in the military vehicle Kirk absorbing ideas Kirk in the tent Kirk in the tent (2) Lonely cow Looking back towards the zebra hill Looking down to the main complex Mini is trying to feed More antelope Peaceful antelopes Thank goodness the horn is hollow The beautiful house The bridge gets lost in the fog The tent (27) from the outside The tent from below The two bitching birds Watching for predators Watussi cows Watussis moving to the watering hole Zebra Zebras, two colored Zebras socializing