Marco's Blog

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Marin Headlands

March 7, 2004 2 min read Cycling General marco

So this is what a wonderful sunny day looks like…

I headed out around 10a. A Porsche almost killed me while trying to pass a car that was turning left at an intersection, but from there on things were easy. I took the usual route to the bridge (see below), crossed it and got to the top of Conzelman. Of course, now that I am used to OLH, Conzelman is a warmup and no more. But it was fun, nonetheless. Plus, on the way down I met a guy that would sort things out on the bridge. Really good biker, he would lead me fearlessly through the traffic and play cop for me. Well, Mr. Cofidis jersey, here is one guy that has a high opinion of you!

The bridge on a nice Sunday is a nightmare. The biking section is tight enough in places that a standing tourist will block all traffic going in both directions. Add to that the slow bikers, those that ride in parallel, and the pylons, that force you to twist around. What a pain!

But it’s fun. And soon it’s going to be all the way to Mt. Tam, starting in the early morning.

Safe trip to the bridge:
Harrison to 16th, turn left onto 16th, go all the way to Divisadero. Turn left on Fell (cross the intersection and stop on Fell). Straight until you hit Stanyan. Stanyan to Geary, then left to Arguello. Arguello to the hill, then continue through the Presidio. Turn left on Washington, then follow until you hit the coastal road. Down under the overpass, then the second left, after the parking lot. Cross over and under the bridge, then sharp left turn and you are on the path.