Marco's Blog

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2005-01-23 2 min read Uncategorised marco


While both versions are under source code control, I have not set up external CVS access. If I ever get enough interest, I shall definitely either get that going, or switch to SourceForge. For now, though, you’ll have to download a .tgz file and install from there.

Please note: the current version of the PHP/Joomla component is not available here, since the project is hosted at!

Tcl version – [download]

I ran the Tcl version both on Windows and Linux. All recent development occurred using Linux, though, so your milage on Windows (and/or on other platforms supported by Tcl/Tk) may vary.

The installation is simple:

  1. unpack the files in any directory,
  2. install Tcl/Tk (and possibly TkTable) from SourceForge
  3. (if on Windows, you’ll be prompted to reboot)
  4. after ensuring the file is executable, run gewicht.tcl

Since the program comes with zero manual, click here for more information on keyboard shortcuts.

Perl version – [download]

The Perl version is recent, hence I tested it only on Apache/Linux. It requires GD and GD::Graph, which you’ll have to install on your system.

Installation is simple:

  1. unpack the files in any directory,
  2. copy to an executable CGI directory
  3. copy gewicht.txt and rgb.txt to any directory accessible from the script
  4. modify $includedir in to point to the correct location
  5. done…

PHP version – [download]

The PHP version is of course a Mambo/Joomla component. It comes with PHPlot, which I included verbatim from its distribution.

Installation is criminally easy:

  1. Go to Administration -> Installers -> Components
  2. Select the distribution ZIP file in Browse
  3. Select Upload File & Install
  4. done…